Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Easy Marshmallow Pinwheels

When I'm allowed to go back on sugar (I have gestational diabetes....sort of), I think I'm going to give these a try.

Find the recipe here.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I would do this...

Enter: Asparagus Cake. I'm not sure why it was made, who it was for, or anything like that, but I'd eat it. I love asparagus. Only...'s a real cake. All those asparagus spears? Made out of fondant. I don't think I'd have the patience. But, I'd eat a whole bundle of real asparagus though.

Learn how to make it here.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Superbowl Chicken Wing Cupcake

I don't know about this. 
Maybe it's not so bad since it's like cornbread with blue cheese and hot sauce in the recipe, a wing and some frosting.
Wait, that was a weird combination.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Red Velvet cheaters

In the numerous times I've tackled red velvet and various other-colour-velvet cakes and cupcakes, I've found myself wondering how other people get their red velvets so red and other-colour-velvets so other-colour. How much food colouring do they really use? What brand are they using? Originally, red velvet didn't involve any food colouring. It wasn't really red either. It was a reaction between the cocoa and the buttermilk that made them appear reddish. That's the kind of society we live in, people. We add loads of food colouring to make our cakes unnatural colours!

Anyway, I recently discovered the trick:

They're not real red velvet. GASP!!!

I.e. There is little to no cocoa in their recipe. 

Can you believe it? Red velvet cake is really a glorified red chocolate cake in my mind. If made well, you can really taste/sense a difference in texture, but I've had really good chocolate cakes that aren't red at all, that I'd take any day over red velvet. And now, I find out that those people who make those really red red velvet cakes, are really adding red food colouring to a white cake recipe, or they've only put a tablespoon, or something like that, of cocoa in it.

Anyway, I'm still on the search for the best red velvet recipe, without cheating! I'm thinking of trying it out with white cocoa/chocolate powder in place of regular cocoa. The taste isn't the same, I know, but I'd like to try it out. Now I just have to find out if white cocoa powder exists!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

On Hiatus

Hi there!

Long time-no post, eh? Well, things have been quite...busy. Lots of life changes happening, the most important of which is...

I'm baking a "bun" in my "oven"!

Yes, we are pregnant with our second child and with this baby have come many changes. And so, Treeh's Treats will be on a VERY temporary hiatus. I'll still be taking orders, however not as many as usual. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you need something sweet in your tumtum. I know I do!


P.S. I found this HILARIOUS.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I've kind of been on an involuntary break from baking for the past couple of months. I did, however, bake a mean batch of cookies this weekend with some friends and we turned them into ice cream sandwiches. Delish. Anyway, more on this in a bit.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Cupcake Cakes

One day, I'd like to try making a cupcake cake. They seem easy enough, but it's a matter of keeping them close enough together that they don't separate and ruin the illusion. And then I'd have to manage not falling into pieces when people pull the whole thing apart and destroy it. But that's what it's for, right?