Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I've been experimenting with a few recipes in recent weeks. One of them is Congo Bars, also known as Brookies. Essentially, they're a brownie and chocolate chip cookie in one. Dee. Lect. A. Bull.

Available to order

Cupcake revolution

Cupcakes have been around forever. Or, at least they've been around since I was a kid, which was over 20 years ago. I'm sure they were around way before that too. I had my first cupcake in junior kindergarten. A classmate's mother brought them for her birthday.

Having said this, for the past few years, I've found it strangely interesting that cupcakes have only really taken off in recent years. People everywhere have been looking to make the best, most beautiful, most creative ways to make a cupcake.

I, personally, find the most simple ones to be good. It's one thing to have a pretty cupcake, decked out to the max that you don't really wanna eat it, and another to have one that is delicious (and another to have one that is pretty AND delicious!). I have two in my fridge right now that I haven't eaten because they're so pretty. I think I just might go raid the fridge and eat one in a few minutes.